Friday, July 4, 2014

The Good Thing About Human Being is Being Human - Inspirational and Motivational Story in Management Funda - N Raghuraman - 4th July 2014

They are youth, and none of them is more than 28 years old, they all are educated and in good jobs with a decent pay check, but even after this they still feel that if something wrong is happening in the society then it is their job to put it right or they just want to keep on doing things which relaxes them and brings in the feeling that they have done something better today. In the whole week they only dedicate a day or two for the society.

First Inspiring and Motivating Story:

We all are aware that every four minutes one person dies in an road accident, but none of us are aware of the fact that how many animals die in road accidents. Not a single NGO or a person has such an record. In an road accident pet and wild animals both die, leave alone the records, we do not even care to remove these dead animals from the middle of the road on to the side, but some how zig-zag our way to continue with our journey.

But Nitin Jaani and his friends who works for Teemex Solutions in Pune, do care about these dead animals. Most of the time they set out on Pune - Lonavala or Pune - Satara Highway and where ever they find a dead animal, they remove them from the road, dug out a grave and later bury them. Doing all this doesn't take more than five minutes. 

Just last Friday Nitin and his friends set out on highway for 12 hours and found 28 dead animals who met with an road accident, all these animals were removed from the road and were buried. 

Second Inspiring and Motivating Story:

Just how we ignore dead animals on road in the same way how many of us ignore the advertisements hanging on the tress? we are aware that these advertisements serves the purpose of providing information but on the other hand it also destroys the trees. 

But Marketing Director of Reapsocial, which is based out of Coimbatore, Tamilnadu is not one among us, he cares for the trees. He and his company motivates and inspires people to send them the pictures of injured or a wounded tree because of the advertisements nailed on it, which is posted on their companies website. Along with the pictures people have to send the information about the locality.

Armed with information from people Arvind and his 15 member strong team reaches the spot, removes the hoarding and nails from the tree, rectifies the tree. They also inspire and motivate people to actively participate in such activity. Later they employ those techniques by which new life can be given to the tree.  

Arvind and his team uses scientific methods, they also carry along with them scientific reports, facts and research papers to make people understand the ill effects of nailing the nail on the tree. Arvind goes on to claim that when ever a tree is nailed, especially the old ones, there is every possibility that termites can enter into it and later make the tree hollow from inside.

The iron in the nail also affects the growth of the tree, He goes on to say that advertisers opt for these type of advertisement banners, because it is comparatively lot cheaper than other modes of advertising. But very few of them actually knows that they are taking away the life of a tree. According to Arvind, when everyone is worried about greenery coming to an end, then they should also be equally concerned about the ways the tree is being killed.     

Credits: Transliteration done by Appoorv Saxena from the column Management Funda by N Raghuraman which appears in Dainik Bhaskar

इंसान होने की सबसे अच्छी बात है इंसानियत

मैनेजमेंट फंडा - एन. रघुरामन

युवा हैं। उनमें से कोई भी 28 साल से ज्यादा की उम्र का नहीं है। पढ़े-लिखे हैं। बढ़िया नौकरी कर रहे हैं। हर महीने तनख्वाह भी अच्छी पाते हैं। इसके बाद भी उन्हें लगता है कि समाज में अगर कहीं कुछ गलत हो रहा है तो उसे ठीक करना भी उनका काम है। या फिर वे ऐसा कुछ भी करते रहना चाहते हैं जिससे उन्हें सुकून मिले।

लगे कि आज कुछ बेहतर कर के आए हैं। वे हर हफ्ते में सिर्फ एक या दो दिन ही लगाते हैं, समाज को अपना

योगदान देने के लिए।

पहली कहानी : 

हम सब जानते हैं कि सड़क दुर्घटना में हर चार मिनट में एक इंसान की मौत होती है, लेकिन हममें से यह कोई नहीं जानता कि सड़कों पर आए दिन हो रही दुर्घटना में कितने जानवर मर जाते हैं। न तो किसी संगठन के पास और न  ही किसी व्यक्ति के पास इस तरह का रिकॉर्ड है। दुर्घटना में जंगली जानवर भी मरते हैं और पालतू भी। इनकी मौतों के रिकॉर्ड की बात तो छोड़िए, सड़कों पर चलते हुए हम में से कोई भी इन आवारा मरे जानवरों हुए जानवरों को हटाकर किनारे करने तक की जेहमत नहीं उठाता। बस, किसी तरह बच-बचाकर निकल जाते हैं। 

Source:  The Good Thing About Human Being is Being Human - Management Funda By N Raghuraman - Dainik Bhaskar 4th July 2014

Box Office, Election and Family - Parde Ke Peeche - Jaiprakash Chouksey - 4th July 2014

बॉक्स ऑफिस, चुनाव और परिवार

परदे के पीछे - जयप्रकाश चौकसे 

इम्तियाज अली के छोटे भाई आरिफ अली की फिल्म "लेकर हम दीवाना दिल' प्रदर्शित हो रही है जिसके निर्माता सैफ अली खान है गोयाकि उनकी पत्नी करीना कपूर खान भी निर्माता ही हैं और फिल्म का नायक युवा अरमान जैन है जो राजकपूर की बेटी रीया तथा मनोज जैन का पुत्र है। अरमान और आरिफ परिवारवाद नहीं अपने दमखम पर चलेंगे। 

फिल्म में परिवारवाद की भावना है परंतु राजनीति में परिवारवाद को कुछ दलों ने एक गाली में बदल दिया है, जबकि परिवार ही मध्यम वर्ग की रीढ़ की हड्डी रहा है और वैदिक संस्कृत ने अपने उदात स्वभाव के अनुरूप पूरे विश्व को ही एक कुटुंब के रूप में परिभाषित किया था परंतु दुर्भाग्यवश बौने लोगों द्वारा इस संस्कृति की संकीर्ण परिभाषा की गई है, जो इसके राजनीति से जुड़ने के कारण हुई है। 

Source: Box Office, Election and Family - Parde Ke Peeche By Jaiprakash Chouksey - Dainik Bhaskar 4th July 2014 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Businesses are Getting Rid of Middleman - Inspirational and Motivational Story in Management Funda - N Raghuraman - 3rd July 2014

Vegetable prices are skyrocketing by each passing day, the quality is at its lowest, in such conditions corporate hotels like ITC and Taj or even a family having 10+ members have opted for a phenomenon which has caught on is to grow vegetables in your own backyard.

ITC Golf and Spa Resort is soon going to be operational at Manesar, Gurgaon in Haryana. Here about 11 Acres of farming land is available too, where they plan to grow vegetables. In the same way Hotel Fourseasons in Mumbai, have also bought a farming land to cultivate seasonal vegetables according to their choice and requirements.

Actually all of them are worried about the rising cost of different vegetables, in the same way families too are worried about the quality of vegetables which they buy as the farmers are using pesticides to grow them, which adversely affects the health. Not only this even farmers tend to irrigate their vegetable farmland with sewage water, which has led people to grow vegetables in their own backyard.

Raaji Shankaran from Chennai has about vacant 600 Sq. Feet land adjoining his home besides about 800 Sq. Ft terrace garden, where he grows different seasonal vegetables. Raaji Shankaran has 9 members in his family and it is but natural that the consumption of vegetables will be more, in such an scenario he produces Onions, Potatoes or any other seasonal green vegetables.

There are two benefits from this, first this keeps him busy and second, he is satisfied that his family members are getting fresh vegetables to eat, and instead of pesticides they are benefited with the nutritional value of the vegetables. In the same way Hotels and the food industry too gets benefited immensely.

For example Hotel Industry imports Heirloom varieties of tomatoes from the Netherlands which costs about Rs 1000/- to 1500/- per Kilogram, but if the same is grown in our own backyard then the same variety would cost Rs 120/- to 150/- Per Kilogram. Marzano Tomatoes comes from Italy and it costs Rs 1300/- to 1800/- per Kilogram, when grown in India it would cost just Rs 120/- per Kilogram. There is a chilli variety known as Thai Birds Eye Chilli which costs about Rs 600/- to 850/- per Kilogram when imported, but if grown in India it would cost just Rs 110/- Per Kilogram. It's not just about the cost but other factors like Import procedures, storage, and transportation problems add to one's woes. While importing 25% of the vegetables gets rotten and to get it cleared of the customs a middleman is also hired, who take their cut too. All the above leads to escalation in cost of procurement.

But when grown at our own backyard, you get rid of all these problems. Whether it's the Hoteliers or the residents of Bandra suburb most of them have opted to grow vegetables in their backyard. There is a hotel Sofitel in Bandra, which has a restaurant - Pondicherry Cafe. The cafe has its own kitchen garden, where they grow Tomatoes, Italian Tulsi (Basil), Carom or Bishops Weed, Brinjals and other varieties of vegetables.

In South Mumbai there is an Advertising Professor, Ms Rajeshwari Ravi, she too grows vegetables in her kitchen garden, whenever she needs vegetables she goes to her kitchen garden and pluck the vegetables. According to her there is altogether a different feeling when you cook fresh vegetables. In fact the trend for the kitchen garden has caught on among the higher class and is usually seen as a fashion statement.  

Credits: Transliteration done by Appoorv Saxena from the column Management Funda by N Raghuraman which appears in Dainik Bhaskar   

बिजनेस से बिचौलिए धीरे-धीरे खत्म हो रहे हैं

मैनेजमेंट फंडा  -  एन. रघुरामन

सब्जियों के दाम रोज आसमान छू रहे हैं। क्वालिटी भी खराब होती जा रही है। इन हालात में आईटीसी और ताज जैसे होटल हों या 10 लोगों से ज्यादा सदस्य वाले बड़े परिवार। सभी ने अपने अहाते में ही सब्जियां उगाने का बीड़ा उठाया है। 

हरियाणा में गुडग़ांव के मानेसर में आईटीसी गोल्फ एंड स्पा रिसॉर्ट शुरू होने वाला है। यहां करीब 11 एकड़ का खेत भी है, जहां कंपनी सब्जियां उगाने वाली है। इसी तरह मुंबई में फोरसीजन होटल ने भी महानगर के पास ही एक जगह खेती की जमीन खरीदी है। ताकि वह मौसम और पसंद के हिसाब से सब्जियां उगा सके। 

बड़े होटलों या कंपनियों को सब्जियों पर बढ़ रही लागत की चिंता है। वहीं परिवारों को इस बात की कि इन्हें उगाने के लिए लोग कीटनाशकों का इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं। इससे स्वास्थ्य पर विपरीत असर पड़ रहा है। यही नहीं, सब्जियों की सिंचाई के लिए कई बार पानी भी खराब उपयोग किया जाता है। लिहाजा वे भी अपने किचन गार्डन में सब्जियां लगाने की तरफ मुड़े हैं। 

Source: Businesses are Getting Rid of Middleman - Management Funda By N Raghuraman - Dainik Bhaskar 3rd July 2014   

Shaadi = Band, Baaja, Baaraat - Parde Ke Peeche - Jaiprakash Chouksey - 3rd July 2014

शादी = बैंड, बाजा, बारात

परदे के पीछे - जयप्रकाश चौकसे 

ऋतिक रोशन के तलाक के बाद करिश्मा कपूर का भी तलाक हो गया है। अमीरों के तलाक से पहले मोटी रकम का आर्थिक लेन-देन होता है और यह राशि कभी उजागर नहीं की जाती। आजकल तो बड़े लोगों के घर में विवाह के पूर्व ही इस तरह का अनुबंध भी किया जाता है कि रिश्ते टूटने पर तलाक के लिए कितनी रकम देनी होगी। 
जरा सोचिए कि इस तरह के रिश्तों में कितना विश्वास है कि संबंध बनने से पहले टूटने का मुआवजा तय किया जा रहा है। एक बड़े निर्माण परिवार के छोटे पुत्र का विवाह इसीलिए नहीं हुआ कि कन्या ने इस तरह के अविश्वास से भरे करारनामे पर दस्तखत करने से इनकार कर दिया। विदेशों में अनेक प्रसिद्ध लोगों का दीवाला ही निकला है तलाक की कीमत चुकाने के कारण। 
Source: Shaadi = Band, Baaja, Baaraat -  Parde Ke Peeche By Jaiprakash Chouksey - Dainik Bhaskar 3rd July 2014

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

If You Want to do Something for Society, then you Should Have A Big Heart - Inspirational and Motivational Story in Management Funda - N Raghuraman - 2nd July 2014

If you are looking forward to do something for society, then you should have a big heart, such is the inspiring and motivating story of Ratanamma, who was married 25 years ago but had no children. She adopted her sister's daughter and started taking good care of her, but her world came crashing down when she learned that the little girl suffers from Type - I Diabetes. She could feel the pain of not only her daughter but also other people who suffered from diabetes. She decided to help the people in what ever capacity that she could, this was the new beginning for Ratanamma.

Today Ratanamma, is a well known entity in surrounding villages of Ramnagar District in Karnataka which is 45 Km's away. She is considered no less than a doctor as she doesn't hold any medical degree and how could she, as she has not even completed her 8th grade. Her husband is an auto-rickshaw driver, but still villagers wait for her eagerly. She adorns her white apron and visits the villagers thrice a week along with her diabetes and blood pressure testing kit.  

Credits: Transliteration done by Appoorv Saxena from the column Management Funda by N Raghuraman which appears in Dainik Bhaskar

Film Stars, Ad Films and Morality - Parde Ke Peeche - Jaiprakash Chouksey - 2nd July 2014

सितारे, विज्ञापन फिल्में और नैतिकता?


परदे के पीछे - जयप्रकाश चौकसे

खबर है कि एक तमाखूहीन पान मसाले के विज्ञापन के लिए शाहरुख खान ने 20 करोड़ रुपए का अनुबंध किया है और रणवीर सिंह ने 3 करोड़ रुपए एक कंडोम के विज्ञापन के लिए प्राप्त किए। उधर कंगना रनावत ने एक शादी में नृत्य के लिए तीन करोड़ रुपए के प्रस्ताव को अस्वीकार कर दिया है। 
विज्ञापन सितारों की कमाई का ऐसा जरिया है जिसमें उन्हें मात्र एक या दो दिन की शूटिंग करनी पड़ती है और फिल्म के लिए पचास दिन परिश्रम करना पड़ता है। अत: विज्ञापन फिल्मों में अपेक्षाकृत अधिक लाभ है परंतु विज्ञापन फिल्में उसी समय तक मिलती हैं जब तक सितारों की फिल्में लोकप्रिय हैं। 
Source: Film Stars, Ad Films and Morality - Parde Ke Peeche By Jaiprakash Chouksey - Dainik Bhaskar 2nd July 2014

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Practical Lessons Are Necessary To Teach Children Moral Values - Inspirational and Motivational Story in Management Funda - N. Raghuraman - 1st July 2014

Ever Wondered whether your child has moral values? Did you ever inspired or motivated your child to walk on the right path? The answer could be a mix of both yes or no isn't it.

In present times, a child is put through lot of pressures to compete and excel in studies especially when it comes to securing an outstanding cutoff percentile. But in the melee a student may excel in his studies but miserably fails in understanding the moral values. 

In his series of many inspirational and motivational stories, comes yet another story about school children hailing from the Steel City of Jamshedpur, commonly known as the home of Tata Steel. Well one fine saturday of 28th June at the Tatanagar railway station, about 130 young children assembled with brooms and buckets to clean the railway station. The children were not child labors but were the students of Class XIth and studied at the prominent Tarapur School. The school authorities had send them under a special project called "Jamshedpur I Care". The idea of the school management was to inspire and motivate children to do "Shramdaan" (Physical Work or Manual Labor) and develop in them the qualities which shall make them a better and responsible citizens.

The students were accompanied by their teachers, who divided themselves into groups, which had reached the station by 8:30 in the morning. In flat three hours they cleaned up every nook and corner of the railway station besides the main approach road which leads to the station. The idea was to tell people that it was very easy to maintain cleanliness at the public places, provided you love your city which inspire and motivate you to keep it clean.

It wasn't easy for the school children to clean the station as about 86 trains pass through Tatanagar Railway Station and with an assembly of about 60,000 people daily. It's a tough job to clean the station that too by the school going children. But the children were determined and unmoved by any of these unfavorable situation. They cleaned and cleaned it well, as they not only motivated and inspired other children to not to litter but also taught befitting lesson to reckless people who were ashamed of their actions. 

There is no dearth of dustbins at the stations but people still litter at will and later curse municipal employees for not maintaining cleanliness in the city. But in Tatanagar there was a distinct change because of the efforts of "Shramdaan" put in by the children specially the youths who were behaving responsibly to not to litter at public places in comparison to common man.

N Raghuraman says that,"such type of "shramdaan" manual work has always attracted him, as he feels that in mega cities such efforts are randomly seen. Even at home if you ask your children to clean up the home they feel it as a burden and look the other way around, like my daughter. Once her mother asked her to help clean the home, and there she was with a classic dialogue," don't you know its illegal to ask children to work, it doesn't go well with parents who are educated and are breaking the law."

The rules are quite strict abroad, if any child is caught by the traffic policeman jumping red light, then he or she is posted at the traffic island for the day and is asked to manage the traffic along with the traffic policeman and is asked to come next day after writing in their experiences. The youth realizes the mistake which is committed and is more awared of the traffic rules. This is another classic example of telling them what is right and what is wrong. It also serves the purpose to inspire and motivate them to become responsible citizens which could only be possible when they are taught Moral Values. The need of the hour.

It is commonly understood that with "Sattvagun" good deeds one gets human life, "Rajogun" helps it to run it and conserve life, "Tamogun" bad deeds destroys life. These traits of deeds could only be understood by humans as they are the ones who gets the power of discretion, but like fools we ignore "Satt and Raj". We humans are being overpowered by Bad Deeds which leads to destructive traits or actions, as a result one can see environmental imbalance, pollution levels are alarming, Trees are being cut, many at times rains do not fall, Indian's rely majorly on rains and which is a well known fact among children too. We are also aware that only we are responsible for it, but still we do not realize. What an irony.

The moral of this inspirational and motivational, eye opening column by N Raghuraman is to inspire and motivate us to be more receptive to our moral values and duties. He feels that if youth of any nation is taught moral values then we can see positive change in the world.          


बच्चों को नैतिक शिक्षा देने के लिए प्रैक्टिकल सबक जरूरी

मैनेजमेंट फंडा - एन. रघुरामन

झारखंड में जमशेदपुर के टाटानगर स्टेशन पर बीते शनिवार (28 जून) अलग ही सीन था। करीब 130 छोटे-छोटे बच्चे हाथ में झाड़ू और बाल्टियां लिए स्टेशन की सफाई में जुटे थे। ये बाल मजदूर नहीं बल्कि प्रतिष्ठित तारापुर स्कूल में 11वीं कक्षा के छात्र थे। इन्हें स्कूल ने 'जमशेदपुर आइ केयर' प्रोजेक्ट के तहत स्टेशन पर भेजा था। इस प्रोजेक्ट का मकसद है, 'श्रमदान और ऐसे ही कामों के जरिए बच्चों में अच्छे नागरिक के गुण विकसित करना।'

समूहों में बंटे इन बच्चों के साथ स्कूल टीचर भी थे। सभी सुबह 8.30 बजे स्टेशन पहुंच गए। तीन घंटे में इन्होंने स्टेशन का कोना-कोना और स्टेशन की ओर आने वाली सड़क को चमका दिया। बच्चे इस मिसाल से लोगों को बताना चाहते थे कि सार्वजनिक जगहों को साफ-सुथरा रखना बड़ा आसान है। बशर्ते आप अपने शहर से लगाव रखते हैं, उसे स्वच्छ रखने की इच्छा रखते हैं।
Source: Practical Lessons Are Necessary To Teach Children Moral Values - Management Funda By N. Raghuraman - Dainik Bhaskar 1st July 2014

Film Lyricist Irshad Kamil in "Pehel" - Parde Ke Peeche - Jaiprakash Chouksey - 1st July 2014

फिल्म शायर इरशाद कामिल 'पहल' में

परदे के पीछे - जयप्रकाश चौकसे 


इरशाद कामिल इस समय सिनेमा के सितारे गीतकार हैं और इम्तियाज अली की 'रॉकस्टार' के गीतों ने इस विधा में नए विचार का प्रतिनिधित्व किया। रणबीर कपूर के विलक्षण अभिनय तथा इरशाद के गीतों के कारण यह फिल्म लंबे समय तक याद रहेगी। 

हिन्दुस्तानी सिनेमा में प्रतिभाशाली गीतकारों की लंबी परम्परा रही है जिनमें जोश मलीहाबादी, साहिर लुधियानवी, शैलेंद्र, शकील, मजरूह सुल्तानपुरी, नीरज, हसरत, आनंद बक्षी, इंदीवर, अनजान, प्रदीप, निदा फाजली, नरेंद्र शर्मा, जावेद अख्तर, जांनिसार अख्तर इत्यादि रहे हैं और इसी परम्परा के वर्तमान में इरशाद बढिय़ा काम कर रहे हैं। 

Source:  Film Lyricist Irshad Kamil in "Pehel" - Parde Ke Peeche By Jaiprakash Chouksey - Dainik Bhaskar 1st July 2014